Backstage Guide to Acting in Texas

Whether you're interested in indie film in Austin, theater in Houston, or commercial work in Dallas, Texas has become a great place to find myriad casting and audition opportunities. This guide will help actors learn how to get a foothold, or big 'ol Texas boothold, in the Texas acting market.


texas acting auditions at backstageView and Apply to the Top Casting Notices in Texas

Texas has a variety of work for actors looking for work in film, theater, television, commercials and more. Take a look at some of the top Texas Casting Notices looking for actors to audition to today.

Dallas Auditions

Houston Auditions

Austin Auditions


What it Takes in the Texas Market

Cindi Davis-Andress, native Houstonian and partner in Pastorini-Bosby Talent, has watched the available jobs for Texas actors grow. Find out from her how to stand out in the Texas acting scene! Read more.

Why Moving to Dallas Reinvigorated one Actor's Career

Jeremy Schwartz made a living as an actor in New York and L.A. before returning to his Texas roots. But rather than see his acting career dry up, Schwartz is now busier than ever. Read more.

Burton Casting on the Future of Texas’ Film Industry

Brad Burton and Kimberly Williams’ casting company, Burton Casting, has developed a nationwide reach since they relocated from Chicago, Ill., to Austin, Texas in 2011. Read more.

5 Reasons to Start Making Theater in Houston

If you’re looking to build up your theater résumé with the kind of substantial, evocative roles that encourage your true potential, don’t underestimate Houston. Read more.

A Look at UT Austin’s Innovative Films and Casting Process

Learn how UT Austin's top film program casts talent. Read more.

Texas Film Commission Website

Serving the public since 1971, the Texas Film Commission supports our state’s global position as a premier production destination across all media industries. Visit site.