An Award-Winning Voice Actor's Audition Must-Dos

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Your demo is produced. Your spot on the talent roster is secured. The audition comes in. Now what? Simple. Follow these five steps.

1. Pay attention.
Auditions come with specific instructions as to how a file should be labeled, slate information, how to submit, etc. Make sure you pay close attention to all of these little details; if you miss one, your audition may end up in the trash.

2. Slate if you’re asked to.
If the audition doesn’t specify slate instructions, ask the sender. Different booking entities have different slate preferences. Some want tail slates while others may want only your first name. Still another agent may prefer no slate at all.

READ: Voiceover Session Do’s + Don’ts

Also, there is no need to explain yourself before the read. Let your delivery demonstrate what style you’re hitting and do not re-slate before additional takes.

3. Keep quiet on the details.
Never share audition information, especially in a public venue like social media. While a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) may not accompany the audition, it should still be treated as confidential information.

4. Don’t check in.
Agents and other booking entities don’t have time to follow-up with you. While some may send you a courtesy, “got it” email, it’s bad form to email or call asking if the audition was received or for feedback. If they want to give you feedback, they will, unprompted. 

5. Leave the copy as-is.
Changing the copy in an audition is a sticky wicket. Some auditions encourage the VO talent to take liberties, but I’ve also heard many creative directors say their script has gone through client approval and legal and should not be changed. I suggest you read the audition copy as-is and if you feel inspired, add a second take with your unique spin.

Check out Backstage’s voiceover audition listings!

The views expressed in this article are solely that of the individual(s) providing them,
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Backstage or its staff.

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Kelley Buttrick
Kelley Buttrick is an award-winning voiceover talent with a reputation for professionalism, easy directability, and exceeding expectations. Her voice is heard on national advertisements, documentaries, and corporate productions for clients like Disney, Michelin Tires, Country Crock, ESPN, McDonald’s, Target, IBM, Marriott, Pampers, Tennis Channel, Clinique, and many others.
See full bio and articles here!