You already know Backstage is the go-to for any and all information pertaining to your craft. But now, you have the chance to get in on the action with the Backstage Community Forum. Here, you can engage with others in your industry, as well as teachers, experts, and, yep, even agents and casting directors. Below are some of this week’s most interesting new topics; drop a reply or post a new thread. Either way, fire up that keyboard and get involved right here!
Support during COVID-19:
“Hi everyone! Backstage Team here. We’re opening up this topic thread for anyone interested in sharing information about canceled auditions, webinars they’re currently watching, or other methods of support during this uneasy time.” —BuellerFerris
Equity video submissions?
“So I’ve noticed a lot of listings posted as ‘EQUITY VIDEO SUBMISSION’—does that mean nothing for non-Eq? Or are people still submitting?” —Kelplover08
Discord group for remote play reading:
“For anyone who’s quarantined at home and wants to scratch the theatrical itch however they can, we’ve started a discord group where we either Zoom or voice chat and read various plays. We’re having our first ‘meeting’ next week on Sunday the 12th, and we’re starting with Shakespeare—but who knows where we’ll go from there! Everyone is welcome, just click this link to join if you’re interested. If the link has expired (because discord is annoying like that sometimes) just comment and I’ll give you a new link.” —wiltylock
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