When it comes to just about everything from socializing to hailing cabs to ordering takeout, we do it from our phones. When it comes to applying for roles and booking auditions, why should it be any different? When Backstage users asked for a mobile app that would fit their lifestyle, we listened and worked tirelessly to make sure it fit the needs of working actors everywhere.
Haven’t tried out our iOS app yet? Here are four reasons you should download it today.
1. It’s free to download and get started.
Being a working actor is expensive. We know you’re already saving for new headshots and classes which is why it was important to us that the Backstage iOS app was completely free to download. Users don’t need to pay a cent to download, set up an account, or browse our casting notices.
Like the rest of Backstage’s services, you’ll need to become a subscriber to access premium features (applying for jobs, sending messages to casting directors, media uploads, etc.) but this way you can try it before you buy it.
2. You can browse (and even apply to!) to jobs on the go.
When you’re not running to and from auditions, you’re at your survival job...or your other survival job. We get it. We’re here to help you reach your acting goals and we understand you don’t always have time to sit inside a coffee shop applying for gigs. That’s why every casting notice you see on Backstage.com is also available on the mobile app—and applying on your phone is just as easy.
3. Toggle between all your saved searches easily
Looking to dabble in both comedy and drama during pilot season? The mobile app makes it super simple to save your searches and toggle between them. When one becomes more fruitful, just shift your attention. It’s like having the very best assistant gathering info while you work.
4. Access information immediately.
With the mobile app, Backstage is literally in your pocket (or backpack or purse). That means if you’re on your way to an audition and forget the address, you can search it right there in the app. Once you click the destination in the Backstage app, it’ll open in Apple Maps and direct you where you need to go. With Backstage in your pocket, you’ll also never miss an important message. If a CD pings you and asks if you have availability to audition in an hour, you’ll get the message right away and can drop everything for the audition that might change your life.
The Backstage mobile app is available now, free to download. Get started browsing, auditioning, and messaging on the go.