A few years ago, I took a course in which the facilitator suggested I start a blog, something I’d never heard of, let alone how to start one or if I even had something to say that was worth listening.
At the time, I was unemployed, between jobs, and very bored. I figured I had nothing to lose, and that a blog would provide me the opportunity to keep my creative juices flowing until the next thing rolled around.
As is turns out, blogging has created a career I never foresaw. Today, I’m a member of the African American Film Critics Association (AAFCA), a freelance reporter/contributor to a major news outlet, host an online film review show, and my blog, The Curvy Film Critic, is read globally by more than 90,000 people.
Want to know how I did it? Let me break it down. To get your own blog up and running in less than 30 minutes, follow these tips.
1. Figure out what kind of blog you’re creating.
Many bloggers—myself included—start out with something they’re passionate about. For me, it was a love of cinema. At first, I was all over the place, talking about anything and everything. I quickly realized I needed to narrow my focus and figure outexactly what I wanted to say.
So I sat back, reassessed, and narrowed it down. I realized I understood the film industry thanks to my degrees in film, and after much research, realized that a voice like mine didn’t exist in the film blogging world. That was my niche.
Your blog can center around cooking, travel, entertainment...anything you’re passionate about as long as there’s a focus and concrete idea.
READ: 3 Tips for Keeping Your Personal Brand Organized
2. Pick your platform.
There are several options for blogging platforms, and every single one has it’s fans and haters. Ease of use, free vs. premium, templates, and whether you’re familiar with code are all things to consider when searching for the platform that will host your blog.
WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Medium, Ghost, Squarespace, and Wix are all options, ranging from free to a monthly fee. Check out each site and compare before making a decision.
3. Select a domain name.
You want your domain name to reflect what your blog is about, but without being overcomplicated. Keep it short and simple, make sure it’s easy to spell, and be mindful not to stumble into a trademark or copyright issue. Do your homework! When in doubt, go with your version of FirstNameLastName.com.
If your head is spinning, I promise that this is all a lot easier than it sounds. And once you get all three of these things squared away, the fun begins! You get to write and create to your heart’s desire, keeping you engaged, positive, and creative during the downtime between gigs. And who knows? Maybe it’ll turn into a career.
In your non-blogging time, check out our modeling listings!
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and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Backstage or its staff.