A Checklist for Successful Auditions

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Will you be going out this pilot season? Check below if you have

_ a theatrical agent or manager who can get you television auditions

_ solid contacts/relationships with casting directors who cast pilots

_ gone out on television auditions in the past year

If you checked one of these boxes, there's a chance that you'll get at least one audition for a pilot this year. Are you ready? Use the checklist below to make sure you are prepared.


_ They look exactly like you.

_ They represent the "you" that you want to represent.

_ You have a good supply of them.

_ They are uploaded and updated on all the major casting sites.

_ Your agent has hard copies, just in case. Check with him or her to see if any are needed.


_ It has all your updated and correct info.

_ You have a good supply.

_ You have access to a reliable working printer (with extra ink in supply), so you can print extra copies as needed.

_ You have it on a USB drive that you always carry with you in case you need to print it out or update it with a last-minute audition.


_ You have a good relationship with your agency.

_ You agree on the types of roles you should be going up for.

_ It has been updated on who your casting contacts are and any other pertinent info.

_ It knows your booking-out dates for the next couple months.

Your acting

_ You are studying in class every week, keeping your skills honed and fresh. Remember, athletes train every day if they want to win.

_ You have a coach to call if you need one for an audition. You have the contact info on hand.

_ You are confident in your ability to make a choice, perform with conviction, and take redirection in an audition.

Your body

_ You are eating healthily and cutting back on unhealthy food, drink, and activities that make it difficult to stay at the top of your game.

_ You are getting exercise.

_ You are getting rest so you can focus.

_ Your hair looks like your hair in your headshot.


_ You have clothes and shoes that you feel comfortable auditioning in—maybe a few key outfits that work together that you only wear for auditions.


_ Your transportation is reliable.

_ You have a backup mode of transportation.

_ If you have a car, the car's oil has been changed, and it has recently been checked out and tuned up.

_ You have an automotive service such as AAA, or you know how to change a tire on your own.

_ You have a GPS, a Thomas Guide, or maps.

In your car

_ GPS/Thomas Guide/maps

_ Cell phone charger

_ Headshots

_ Résumés

_ Office supplies such as scissors, a glue stick, a stapler, staples, a highlighter, folders

_ Extra clothes and shoes that will work in a pinch, for last-minute auditions: shoes, socks, tee, jeans, dressy outfit. If you know you have multiple auditions, assume you will not be able to go home in between, and pack all the clothes you will need for the day. Get used to the idea of changing in your car.

_ For women: travel-size beauty products such as a brush, a mirror, makeup, and makeup brushes. For men and women: deodorant, fresh wipes, Febreze, wrinkle releaser, hand sanitizer, a lint brush, Band Aids, a nail file, stain remover, a sewing kit, dental floss, lip balm, toothpaste and a toothbrush, an umbrella

_ Bottled water and snacks

_ Change for parking meters

_ Portable entertainment such as books and magazines to keep yourself occupied while you are waiting, and maybe even to take your mind off the audition. Bring along a Back Stage for entertainment and inspiration.

Your life

_ Your days are flexible for auditions, and your nights are flexible if you need to study for auditions. All plans during the week are "maybe."

_ At home, you have a quiet place where you can work on lines and sides with no distractions or interruptions.

_ You have a positive, confident attitude. You are polite to everyone you meet.

_ You have surrounded yourself with positive people who support you.

_ You have someone to call if you've had a bad audition and need cheering up.

Inspired by this post? Check out our audition listings!

Want some more audition advice? Watch below.

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