30UNDER30 Film Fest Spotlights Young Directors

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Photo Source: 30UNDER30

This weekend kicks off an opportune festival for young filmmakers. The 30UNDER30 Film Festival in New York City will feature 30 short films from 30 directors under 30 years old. Selections will be divided into three thematic blocks—World Perspectives, On The Margins, and Women Directors—and screened over two days, taking a closer look at marginalized narratives through film.

30UNDER30 features nine female directors, and includes a short about a woman comedian finding her footing in male-dominated world of comedy—but this is no gendercentric fest. Also on the roster of topics are immigration, government soldiers, sexuality, Alzheimer’s, and plenty more. BONUS: Bryan Cranston stars in one of the films.

Festival doors open Dec. 13, at 8:30 p.m. at the Film Anthology Archives with screenings beginning at 9 p.m. A Q&A with all the directors and a reception will be held after.

If an hour of rubbing shoulders with filmmakers isn’t long enough for you, make your way over to the after-party at Fish Bar, offering buy-one-get-one-free drink specials.

Hybrid-media art gallery WALLPLAY in the Lower East Side will be hosting 30U30’s closing night. Screenings begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 14, followed by a Q&A section and an industry panel, sponsored by The New York Latino Film Summit, where filmmakers will discuss how media can help serve the community as a whole in addition to the individual.

A cash prize will be awarded to Best Film before DJ Blitz jumps on the decks for some Saturday night tunes. After sitting and watching movies for a few hours, there’s nothing like some dancing to wake your butt up.

Tickets are $7, and 29 percent of the proceeds will go to the Best Film prize.

For more information including blocks, schedules, and ticket purchases visit 30UNDER30FF.com

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Briana Rodriguez
Briana is the Editor-in-Chief at Backstage. She oversees editorial operations and covers all things film and television. She's interested in stories about the creative process as experienced by women, people of color, and other marginalized communities. You can find her on Twitter @brirodriguez and on Instagram @thebrianarodriguez
See full bio and articles here!