Handling the Highs and Lows of Your Career

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I just wrapped my solo show in FringeNYC, and it went great. Now I’m trying to avoid that post-show depression—luckily I have a wedding to keep me occupied. By the time you read this I’ll be just days away from marriage! Summer has flown by, and I’ve been at the helm of so much: a web series, a solo show, and the wedding. OK, true, my fiancée did most of the work on that, but still. Except for things initiated by me, it’s been pretty quiet careerwise. I’m hoping this is just the calm before a storm, but of course I worry that no one wants me. Agh, actors and our insecurity. Fortunately I have a woman who does, and the next few weeks of marriage mixed with a honeymoon in San Francisco will hopefully send me back to NYC with a new outlook.

Fall is my favorite season; for me it’s a time of renewal. The crisp in the air, the pumpkin-flavored anything, and the darker beer brings a sense of calm. It also brings that “oh no, this year is almost over” worry that means a new one is coming and with that, the worry of “What will I do differently or try to accomplish next year?” It’s a cycle; whether it’s vicious is up to how you look at it. I’m setting a three-quarter-year goal for myself, and that is to look at things differently. I want to get out of my own head, hear anything but the sound of my own voice. I have many friends who look at this career and industry with the positivity and innocence that I feel I have left far behind, and I want to rediscover it.

Maybe this is a slow time, but rather than sweating it and getting all worked up, I’m just going to give in (not up) to it. Look, I really want to say I’m a working actor again—it’s been too long since I’ve paid the bills that way—but soon I’ll be a husband, and that’s more than enough.

Tim Intravia is a Brooklyn-based writer and actor. He has appeared Off-Broadway and in his award-winning solo show and plays Steve on the web series “Parker and Steve.” Check out timintravia.com and follow him @timintravia.