Believe it or not, actors are real people, too, which means that when they’re working, in addition to often being on set or on-call for 16 hours a day, they also have a personal life that needs managing. (That’s right: getting cast doesn’t mean everything else in an actor’s life stops and waits patiently for the production to finish.)
If you’re finding that long days on set are causing stress in your personal life—or if trying to manage your personal life while working is causing stress in your professional life—there are a few things you can do to better balance the two.
1. Set goals
When you go to work each day, set some goals. Whether it’s finishing memorizing your lines or updating your resume for your manager, at the end of the day, you’ll feel better knowing that you were able to check that thing off your to-do list. Even if the goals are small, you’ll feel accomplished, happier, confident, and less stressed.
2. Delegate tasks when you can
Trying to do everything yourself is a surefire way to get stressed and anxious. A single person can only do so much in a given day. So don’t do everything. Learn to manage your responsibilities and delegate. There is no shame in asking for help. And if you feel like you’re doing too much, take a break and evaluate your situation.
READ: 7 Ways to Maintain a Private Life as an Actor
3. Prioritize your to-do list
Figure out what you need to do and assign a level of importance to each thing on your list. Then, work your way down the list in order of importance. Sounds simple, but having a physical list in front of you that illustrates whether one thing may be more important than another will help you prioritize your time and effort.
4. Separate your career and personal life
Many people make the mistake of making their career their social life, but this can cause problems in the long run. If you can keep the two worlds separate, do so. Set time aside to be with your friends and family, and leave your career separate.
5. Don’t neglect your health
Many entertainers sacrifice their physical and mental health for fame, money, and success. Instead, try focusing on what life will be like when your fame disappears. Managing stress and anxiety in a positive way is very important for your long-term health and you can’t enjoy your successes if your health is in bad shape.
6. Have fun
If you’re not having fun, what’s the point? Even if your career becomes difficult to manage, make sure you’re still enjoying it. If not, take a break and relax; this will help you refocus and deal with issues that arise.
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