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Switching agents etiquette?
“There’s so much talk around getting an agent—but what about switching agents? When I’m submitting to new agencies, should I let them know I’m currently signed? Do I send the résumé that includes my current agent’s logo, or remove it? I obviously don’t want to bad-mouth my current agency, as that’s not a good look for anyone.” —hogwartsjaguar5678
Trying to decipher a monologue I like:
“I’m looking over the monologue ’A Leap Year Leap’ by Walter Ben Har. I’m having some trouble deciphering this line:
“ ‘I’ve considered the question from every possible stand-point and I’ve come to the conclusion that a girl of to-day has just as much right to propose marriage as a man has. For centuries the poor girl has had to sit quietly by waiting for a man to snap his fingers before she can say, ‘Thank you!’ Now, I’ll do the snapping!
“I figure snapping fingers means proposing, and is meant to draw a parallel to snapping your fingers to summon a servant. But why is the response ‘Thank you’? You don’t say ‘thank you’ to a proposal.” —DingusDongus
Youth modeling in Detroit?
“Hi, are there any good modeling agencies for a 10-year-old in the Detroit metro area?” —MommaC
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