Kill Your Television

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Writer-performer Jeff Gardner's dialogue-free solo comedy packs a wealth of trenchant pop-culture satire and technical wizardry into a lightning-paced 40 minutes. A send-up of couch-potato addicts and the pitfalls of leading lives enslaved by the tube, the piece demonstrates what happens when the power of the airwaves takes over the life of an obsessive watcher. Gardner's ingenious physical shtick and rubber face bespeak volumes about his socially isolated character. There are terrific lighting effects, and the smashing soundtrack is punctuated with iconic sounds of commercials and shows, contemporary and historical. Vicky Silva's slam-bang direction seals the deal in Gardner's brilliant tour de force.

Presented by Quantum Theatre at the Lillian Theatre, 1076 Lillian Way, Hollywood. Sat., June 19, 3:30 p.m.; Sun., June 20, 3:30 and 7 p.m.; Wed., June 23, 8 p.m.; Sat., June 26, 2 p.m. (866) 811-4111.