“One Night in LA,” an intimate theatrical feature drama, is seeking talent for several roles, including one of its stars. Plus, a new Apple TV series, a 12-episode series, and a Tennessee tourism video are casting now.
“One Night in LA”
Casting is underway for “One Night in LA,” an intimate theatrical feature drama that exposes a family’s struggle with life and death as Crystal, wife of former NBA player, Donald, realizes that her cancer has returned. Talent, aged 18–65, is wanted for leads and supporting roles, including the lead role of Donald. Auditions will be held in April, followed by rehearsals at the end of May/early June and filming on June 7–17 in Sherman Oaks, California. Pay is $215 per day.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Flamingo,” a new Apple TV series, is currently seeking submissions from talent, aged 18 and older, for background roles, photo doubles, stand-ins, and more. Filming will run from April through November in Baltimore, Maryland. Standard union and nonunion background rates apply.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Caswell Academy”
Join the cast of “Caswell Academy,” a 12-episode TV series about teenager Avalon and her best friend Toby Bingham’s adventures at Caswell Academy and the secrets that lie beneath the rich, preppy exterior. Talent, aged 13–58, is wanted for a variety of roles, including the starring roles of Avalon and Toby. Additionally, the project is hiring several crew positions, including an editor, a costume designer, and more. Rehearsals will take place in May, followed by filming in summer 2024 in California. Pay is $50–$1000 per week depending on the role with food/drinks provided.
Want this gig? Apply here.
Tennessee Tourism Video Shoot
Two female actors, aged 28–45, are now wanted for a road trip-themed Tennessee tourism shoot. Filming will take place on April 22–24. Pay is $800.
Want this gig? Apply here.