The upcoming feature film “The House on Sovereign Street,” which will be helmed by Oscar-nominated director Bing Liu, is seeking talent for major roles, including its star. Plus, a Boot Barn TV spot, a series of social media Fintech ads, and a commercial are casting now.
“The House on Sovereign Street”
Damian Bao Casting is seeking talent for “The House on Sovereign Street,” a feature film to be directed by Oscar-nominated director Bing Liu about a teenage Chinese-American skateboard videographer who tries to save his mother and brother from an abusive stepfather while navigating friendship and romance. Asian actors, aged 8–55, are wanted for several roles in the film, including the starring role of Bao. The actor playing the lead role must have some skateboarding experience. Fluent Mandarin will also be required for multiple roles. Filming will take place over four to six weeks starting in June in Rockford, Illinois. Pay is $1,056 per day with flight and lodging provided.
Want this gig? Apply here.
Boot Barn, Spring TV Spot
The popular Western retailer, Boot Barn needs male and female talent for an upcoming TV spot. Production is looking for male talent, aged 40–55, to play a farmer, and female talent, aged 30–55, to play the farmer’s wife. Shooting takes place March 30 in Yuba City, California, and April 2 in Molalla, Oregon. Pays $500 per shoot day plus $150 per travel day
“The Pioneer”
A male actor, age 25–35, is now wanted to play an engine technician in a commercial. Filming will take place during the week of April 18 in Detroit, Michigan. Pay is $450.
Want this gig? Apply here.
Fintech Ads For Facebook/TikTok
Talent, aged 18–35, is wanted for a series of social media ads for Albert, a Fintech banking app. Talent will work in Culver City, California, dates TBD. Pay is $300 with lunch provided.
Want this gig? Apply here.