Now Casting: Earn $4,000 for an Off-road Vehicle Shoot + 3 More Gigs

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Photo Source: Selcuk Oner/Shutterstock

Don’t miss any of today’s top gigs! Earn up to $4,000 for a shoot for a major off-road vehicle company. Plus, a shoot for Cleverpup, a mini-web series, and a rehab center ad are casting talent today!

Off-road Photo and Video Shoot

ESEM Productions is seeking talent for a commercial photo and video shoot for a major off-road vehicle manufacturer. Actors and models, aged 9–50, are wanted for UTV and ATV riders, drivers, and passengers. Talent will work on June 24–28 near Forest Grove, Oregon, and on June 30–July 1 in Madras, Oregon. Pay is $600–$800 per day for five days of work, with mileage, hotels, and meals covered.

Want this gig? Apply here.

Cleverpup Photo Shoot

New York City-based models who are comfortable working with dogs, aged 18 and older, are wanted for an upcoming brand refresh shoot for Cleverpup. Talent will work in Brooklyn with the date TBD. Pay is $500 for four hours of work.

Want this gig? Apply here.

“Rose Crown”

Join the cast of “Rose Crown,” a short-form web series (90 seconds per episode, 50 episodes) that will premiere on an independent online platform. Actors, aged 18-65, are wanted for various roles in the series, including the starring roles of Lou and Laurence. Talent will work on May 20–27 in Los Angeles. Pay is $150–$250 per day for up to seven days of work.

Want this gig? Apply here.

Ridge Recovery Ad

Actors, aged 18 and older, are wanted for a lead role and background roles in a TV commercial for Ridge Recovery, a rehab center. Talent will work on June 3 or 4 in Willimantic, Connecticut. Pay is $300 for background talent and $2,000 for lead talent. 

Want this gig? Apply here.