The upcoming Showtime adaptation of “Three Women,” starring Betty Gilpin, DeWanda Wise, and Shailene Woodley, is currently seeking a real court stenographer for a background role. Plus, a series of promos for a handbag platform and a pair of short films are casting now.
“Three Women”
“Three Women,” a new Showtime series based on the book of the same name, is now seeking a real stenographer, age 25–60. Filming will tentatively take place on Feb. 14 in White Plains, New York. Pay is $182 for eight hours of work (union) or $165 for 10 hours of work (nonunion). Talent will receive a COVID-19 testing stipend of $60–$100, depending on union status.
Want this gig? Apply here.
Rebag Voiceover
Rebag, an online platform for buying and selling luxury handbags, is currently casting a female narrator, age 27–45, for a series of online promotional videos. Talent will work remotely. Pay is $300–$500 for four hours of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Another Night”
Casting is underway for “Another Night,” a short film and romantic drama short about a couple trying to survive their move to New York. Two actors, aged 24–38, are wanted to play the starring roles of Joan and Isaac. Filming will take place on Feb. 25–March 2 in New York City. Pay is $211 per day.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Big Three”
BlackStar is now seeking talent for “Big Three,” a short fiction film set in the early 1960s that features a day in the life and behind the scenes operations of a budding Philly soul label called Big Three Records. Male talent, aged 8–40, is wanted for several roles in the film. Rehearsals and filming will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pay is $125 per day for two days of work with meals provided.
Want this gig? Apply here.