How to Read Sides for a Self-Tape + More From the Backstage Forums

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You already know Backstage is the go-to for any and all information pertaining to your craft. But now, you have the chance to get in on the action with the Backstage Community Forum. Here, you can engage with others in your industry, as well as teachers, experts, and, yep, even agents and casting directors. Below are some of this week’s most interesting new topics; drop a reply or post a new thread. Either way, fire up that keyboard and get involved right here!

Reading sides?
“Hi! So I’ve been sent some sides for a taped audition, but there is a lot of dialogue between more than two people, and action that can’t really be shown from a self-tape position. Does anyone have any tips for this?” —Justine

Director/producer doesn't like my performance—what could I have done differently?
“Long story short. Director/Producer dislikes my performance and asked me to think about what I could have done differently to make it better. Read on for more details.” —Edmund

“I have jumped onto a new project and the director is claiming it is a SAG project and that all of the actors on the project must be SAG members. I asked if I could get the production i.d. to look up the project on the SAG website, but he is saying he is going to give out a voucher for SAG after the project is finished. No one on the project seemed to know anything about SAG production id numbers? Does this sound like some weird scam or is this the normal process for SAG projects?” —film_actress_star

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