After a two-year hiatus, Nexflix’s “The Umbrella Academy” has returned for a fourth and final season. Based on the comic book series by Gerard Way, the streaming superhero series stars Elliot Page, Tom Hopper, David Castañeda, and more. If you’re looking for your own superhero, action, or fantasy project, the following gigs are casting now.
“Celtics,” Season 3
A nonunion scripted show about Celtic gods and goddesses is casting for its September–October shoot in the Los Angeles area. Production seeks a lead male actor, aged 25–55, to play Dagda, a lead female actor, aged 22–38, to play Ériu, and a lead female actor, aged 22–40, to play Scáthach. All roles pay $21 per hour for an estimated 12 hours of work. Please note that all roles require Australian, English, Irish, and Scottish accents. The role of Scáthach also requires sword fighting skills.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Trip To The Moon”
A nonunion feature film about an evil force influencing the people of Earth is casting for its November shoot in Long Island and possibly New Jersey. Production is filling multiple roles, including a supporting male actor, aged 40–60, to play Hannibal Hamlin, a day player male actor, aged 30–50, to play Hiram Rhodes Revels, and a day player female actor, aged 18–21, to play Annabelle. The role of Hannibal Hamlin pays $150 per day for an estimated single day of work. The roles of Hiram Rhodes Revels and Annabelle pay $100 per day for an estimated single day of work. Please note that the role of Hiram Rhodes Revels requires a Southern American accent.
Want this gig? Apply here.
A scripted show about the sinister plan of genetically enhanced teens is casting for its upcoming shoot in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. Production seeks a lead male actor, aged 17–24, to play Socrates and a supporting female actor, aged 18–25, to play Gemini. Both roles pay a flat rate of $300 for an estimated 12 hours of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Dark Tide”
A short film about a young woman who conjures ocean spirits is casting for its Sept. 15–21 shoot in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Production seeks a supporting female/trans female actor, aged 40–70, to play Marnie and a supporting female/trans female actor, aged 18–28, to play Lauren. Both roles pay $50–$200 per day for an estimated four days of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Phineas Atters”
A nonunion feature film about a man whose thoughts can come to life is casting for its late summer or fall shoot in New York and New Jersey. Production seeks a lead male actor, aged 22–50, to play Katie’s Male Alter Ego, a supporting female actor, aged 25–39, to play Zoe Lillie, a supporting female actor, aged 22–40, to play Violet, and a supporting female actor, aged 60–70, to play Future Katie. All roles pay $200 per day for an estimated four days of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.