Imagine a world where Elton from “Clueless” and Jack Dawson from “Titanic” were played by the same actor….
Well, it almost happened! Jeremy Sisto chatted with HuffPost Live this past Wednesday, March 4 about his screen test opposite Kate Winslet for James Cameron’s iconic film.
In the video below, the two act out a scene from the film—an experience Sisto called “pretty great” to even be involved in.
“Anything James Cameron does has this huge scope to it,” he told HuffPost Live. “He’s trying to push the limits on things, so I was just insanely inspired by it and a little heartbroken when the role didn’t come my way.”
Ultimately it was Leonardo DiCaprio who stole our hearts as Jack, but from his audition, we think Sisto would have done an awesome job!
And things didn’t turn out too bad for him; check out Sisto on A&E’s “The Returned.”
Inspired by this post? Check out our audition listings!