You already know Backstage is the go-to for any and all information pertaining to your craft. But now, you have the chance to get in on the action with the Backstage Community Forum. Here, you can engage with others in your industry, as well as teachers, experts, and, yep, even agents and casting directors. Below are some of this week’s most interesting new topics; drop a reply or post a new thread. Either way, fire up that keyboard and get involved right here!
Audition day breakfast?
“I am not a morning person. But breakfast helps me get through. Anyone have any delicious but healthy breakfast ideas for those early audition days? Or really, any good tips for giving your best audition in the morning?” —WhatToCallMyself
Singing from the show that you’re auditioning for?
“Is this a thing now? I was always told this was something you weren’t supposed to do unless specifically asked/told it was OK by casting, but this year I have been hearing it done for many calls. Thoughts?” —queeniewasablonde
Manager questions: communication?
“I’ve been with my manager now for about a year and a half, and I’m aware that as a manager it’s not really their job to get me auditions or hold my hand through the submission process. I submit myself regularly and go on theater auditions regularly.
“My question is, how often should I expect to actually hear from my manager? Lately when I email this person about updating my materials, or with questions about how I can better grow my career, I hear nothing unless I badger them, and then I never feel like they actually respond to my questions. I brought this up before the holidays and my manager was very apologetic, but after a few months it still hasn’t improved. I feel like I’m fighting to get their attention, and when it comes to choosing materials like headshots or footage for reels I feel like I’m flying totally blind.
“I don’t know if this is an unrealistic expectation, but they’ve also never had me meet with an agent or producer or casting director, and the only industry professionals I’ve met through this manager were in classes or workshops I had to pay for. Maybe that’s normal? I don’t mind having to pay if it doesn’t break the bank, but I hear a lot from other people that your manager is supposed to be really involved in growing your brand and image as an actor. They sit with you and help you choose headshots and give you concrete ideas of what kind of roles you should be auditioning for, and what material you should have in your roster to better book work. I’ve been told by professionals in classes that until you get an agent, your manager should be getting you booked. As it is, I’ve never booked an in-person audition through this manager, and I've only gotten maybe two self-tapes. The rest I get from self-submitting.
“As of right now, if I’m not the one taking initiative to get in touch, I never hear anything, except for the occasional informational email sent out to all of their clients. I know that I need to provide them material to work with, but how can I when I can’t even get them to return my emails? Should I be MORE proactive?” —Sundayinthepark
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