When Should Actors Follow Up With Agents + More From the Backstage Forums

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You already know Backstage is the go-to for any and all information pertaining to your craft. But now, you have the chance to get in on the action with the Backstage Community Forum. Here, you can engage with others in your industry, as well as teachers, experts, and, yep, even agents and casting directors. Below are some of this week’s most interesting new topics; drop a reply or post a new thread. Either way, fire up that keyboard and get involved right here!

When to follow up?
“Recently I went to an agent ‘class,’ A.K.A. a pay-to-meet-and-greet, and had a wonderful session in the room. The warmest I’ve had in such meetups. The agent loved my monologue and gave me great feedback. We really hit it off and spent much of our remaining time smiling and laughing as we discussed goals and if they lined up with the agency’s needs. Of course, time was too brief and when the knock came on the door, the agent asked me to follow up, giving me their email address, asking me to keep it to myself (the email address had not been given out to the group at large during the Q&A). I followed up that evening with what I believe was a very warm, compelling letter.


“This is where I want to scream. The powerlessness one feels. Do I follow up again? Do I resign myself to the silence? Why give me their super-secret email address if they're not going to reply, at least to say, ‘upon further review, no thanks.’

“What if another nudge is just the right thing? What if another nudge is deemed too pushy? Arrrggghhhh.” —IAmAnActor

What is the most important thing an actor can do to further themselves in this business?
Besides the obvious of working on one’s craft, taking lessons and the like, what do you think is the most important thing an actor can do to help themselves? What have you noticed has helped you the most?” —TheaterNerd

Dealing with rejection?
“Not the rejection of the little things, like the tiny auditions you’re maybe seen only once for. More like the rejection of getting very far in a process and then being told no. What do you do to cope?” —Bwaycalls

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