Robin Schultz, CFO
Anthony Meindl, Owner
Robin Schultz, CFO
Sommer Austin, LA Studio Manager
Robin Schultz, CFO
Anthony Meindl, Owner
Robin Schultz, CFO
Sommer Austin, LA Studio Manager
Class Details
8-16 students per class. 14 years and older. All levels. Free audit available. Ongoing sessions. Limited work-study available.
Acting Technique/Scene Study, Audition Technique/Cold Reading, Business of Acting, On-Camera Technique, Private Coaching
With a simple premise to listen, react, and feel feelings rather than thinking them. Along with giving up control, surrendering to chaos, admitting not knowing as much as much as previously thought, and believing that something greater is trying to reveal itself in the moment. Becoming channel for flow, and getting in the zone leading to more fun, more play, and more risk while trusting that each individual is enough and has something to contribute.