The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival


Joseph Shahadi, Co-Founder/Executive Director

Anthony DeVito, Co-Founder/Communications Director

Eden Seiferheld, Program Coordinator

Submission Policy:

Festival Season: Spring (usually early June)

Deadline: January (check website for exact dates)

Entry: $30 for earlybird shorts and screenplays, $40 for features. Regular fee: $55 for shorts and screenplays, $65 for features. Student discounts. Fees vary depending on deadline


Features, Shorts, Music Videos, Documentaries

Festival Season:



Founded in 2011, The Art of Bklyn Film Festival is the only independent international festival focused solely on films made by or catalyzed within the diverse creative community of Brooklyn. The festival also produces Brooklyn On Demand — the only streaming platform dedicated exclusively to promoting independent Brooklyn film and media to audiences all over the world, on Roku and online at The Art of Brooklyn is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to the arts and culture of Brooklyn.