Pittsburgh Public Theater


Marya Sea Kaminski, Artistic Director

Shaunda McDil, Managing Director

Monica Bowin, Director of Production and Operations

Lindsay L. Barr, Executive Assistance and Board Liaison

See All

Submission Policy:

For any questions about the audition process, actors may reach out to the Casting and Literary Director, Brian Pope, at bpope@ppt.org.

Script Submissions:
Our PUBLIC EXPOSURE new play series is currently on hiatus, and we are no longer accepting unsolicited script queries. No commissions are available at this time.

Theater Types:

LORT, Equity, Musical, Classical, Contemporary Plays


The mission of Pittsburgh Public Theater is to provide artistically diverse theatrical experiences of the highest quality. Pittsburgh Public Theater also strives to serve, challenge, stimulate, and entertain while operating in a fiscally responsible manner. The Public shares its resources with the community through education and outreach initiatives intended for a wide range of people with the goal of expanding and diversifying the audience while enriching the community.

Anthony J. O'Reilly Theater: LORT B

To receive more information about space rental and event policies, contact Events@PPT.org.