These screen, stage, and voice projects need talent in the UK right now, so sharpen your self-taping and audition skills and get busy.
Period drama casting lead and supporting roles
If you didn’t get cast in Bridgerton or Downton Abbey, short period film The Firebrand of Fenton is casting lead and supporting roles. Dr Whitstable is male, playing ages 40–60, and any ethnicity. He’s described as a “kind, upstanding gentleman” with a beard, moustache, and ideally, a suitable period-drama wardrobe. Emma Wrestlingworth is female, 30–50, and white. She’s strong-minded, determined to become a romantic novelist but still stuck under a cloud of self-doubt. Hermione Wrestlingworth is female, 25–32, and white. She’s awaiting the arrival of a suitably dashing young man. The project shoots this May in Biggleswade and Cambridge and the team are seeking performers from the local area. The project is paid professionally, plus travel and subsistence. Check out the casting notice for more details and to apply now.
‘His Dark Materials 3’ + More UK Productions Are Greenlit and Casting
Educational videos casting British and American accents
Penny Films’ Andy Wilkin is casting a series of educational videos for an English as a Second Language programme, to be shown privately within a school learning portal. The team are seeking one British and one American actor, any gender and any ethnicity, playing ages 18–22. You’ll need clear, crisp native accents and good enunciation. The project shoots for approximately half a day on a closed COVID-safe set in London. Please note: there will be no makeup artist or wardrobe, and actors will need to be comfortable reading from an autocue. Roles are paid £100–£150 and the team are seeking performers based in London. Check out the casting notice for more information and to apply now.
Promo films seeking male role and two young actors
Moyo Films are casting a series of educational films for Peabody Homes, explaining key elements like Shared Ownership, Help to Buy and Private Sales. Marina is female, playing ages 6–11, and any ethnicity. Jeremy/David is male, playing age 36–49, and any ethnicity. Please note: applicants for this role must have a showreel. Alexa is female, playing age 6–11, and any ethnicity. Filming dates are TBC and able to be worked around availability. Roles are paid £225–£350 per day and the team are seeking performers based in London. Head to the casting notice for more details and to apply now.
Short children’s film seeking lead female role
A short film from an experienced crew is seeking a female lead. Following kids who discover the true meaning of friendship after stumbling on a magical treasure, the project shoots in London with an award-winning director and cinematographer. The team are casting for the role of Lisa: female, 18–25, and white or Middle-Eastern. She’s a single mum raising a daughter she had when just a teenager. Production begins TBC in Harrow, north London and is paid £70 for a maximum six hours of filming on one day. The team are seeking a performer based in London. Check out the casting notice for more info and to apply now.
See also: