Why Gratitude Helps Your Career

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Photo Source: Robert Wilson

The following story is an excerpt from the first Secret Agent Man column:

The other day, I almost threw a steaming-hot cup of coffee at an actor.

Here’s the deal. I was hanging out at the Starbucks on Ventura Boulevard, killing time before a meeting at CBS Radford. I was also trying real hard not to laugh at all the losers with laptops who were working on their screenplays. Seriously, there should be a law about that.

Anyway, there were two attractive young actors at the next table. Listening in, I could tell they were just starting out on their road to stardom. The blonde, who had recently signed with her very first agent, had just booked her first real acting job: a small role on a one-hour drama.

Her friend seemed to be genuinely excited for her, but the blonde had nothing good to say about the experience. She felt the director had treated her like a glorified extra and that no one would even notice her when the show aired. She was also mad at her agent because he wasn’t powerful enough to get her a larger part.

Hearing this, all I could think was, How ungrateful. This was her first job and her first agent! Can you imagine what this girl’s going to be like if she ever becomes successful?

Thanksgiving is a week away, and that story reminds me of how important it is to be in a constant state of gratitude if you want to survive in this business. You simply will not last if you’re constantly searching for the negative in every positive.

Consider this: Your first paying job as an actor is a nothing part in a low-budget movie no one will ever see. Well, that’s one way of looking at it. Here’s another: You finally have a film credit for your résumé and now you can build your credits from there. Which sounds healthier?

Please believe me when I say every accomplishment, no matter how small, is a step forward. I’ve seen firsthand how one minor success can lead to a much bigger one. This is how careers are made.

I had a tough year and as the holidays approach, I’m choosing to follow my own advice and be grateful for all the good things that happened in 2014.

Despite some tough changes at my office that forced us to fire a few people, I still managed to pull off several sweet deals and I signed a lot of promising clients.

This year marks my 12-year anniversary as an agent, and I’m still standing. I may not be a power broker at CAA who fields calls for a living, but I’ve done well for myself and I have no complaints about my career.

I’m also grateful for this column and the wonderful team at Backstage that allows me to write a weekly rant about whatever happens to be on my mind. Having a creative outlet like this is a nice way to end a tough week.

And finally, for a guy who just passed 40, I’m in great shape with no health problems and the ladies still think I’m easy on the eyes.

So that’s what I’m going to focus on when I’m having dinner on Thanksgiving Day. What about you? I’m sure there were plenty of encouraging moments and encounters in your life during the last 12 months that deserve some thanks.

Stay positive, people. The holiday season is here and it’s time to show a little gratitude attitude!

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Secret Agent Man
Secret Agent Man is a Los Angeles–based talent agent and our resident tell-all columnist. Writing anonymously, he dishes out the candid and honest industry insight all actors need to hear.
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