Actors know that in order to be successful, they need not a good headshot, but an effective one. Having a properly-formatted résumé is also a must and, of course, a stellar reel. But there’s another marketing tool many actors need but few actually use: business cards.
Hear me out. Business cards are a low-cost marketing and networking tool that can prove to be an invaluable investment if you, the actor, has them on you at all times.
Actors never know who they’re going to meet or when and since most of us don’t carry around spare copies of our headshots, a business card is an effective way to make connections everywhere you go. I’ve met industry professionals in all types of non-industry situations: on planes, while volunteering, in the supermarket, at parties, etc. You never know when your path will cross with a great industry contract, so it pays to be prepared in the form of a tiny rectangle of paper.
Now that I’ve convinced you business cards are a worthy, low-stakes investment, here are the four key things yours need to include.
Headshot: Yes, it will be small, but you need your headshot on your business cards. You want people to 1) see what you look like photographed and 2) have a visual reminder of whose card they’re holding. Find a printing company that can create a sharp, clean, crisp image on your cards.
READ: Everything You Need to Know About Headshots
Contact information: Make it easy for people to get in touch with you. If you have space, feel free to include your professional social media accounts and IMBd.
Credits: List a few of your more impressive credits, even if it means needing to print on both sides of the card. That said, don’t try to fit your entire résumé onto a business card—these need to be clean, uncluttered, and with a font that’s large enough to read without squinting.
Clarity: I’ve seen many cards that are impossible to read due to bad printing, odd color choices, font size, or any combination of these three. Not only will these issues leave a bad impression, but they’ll also prevent people from actually using your business card to follow up with you.
Remember, a business card should be used as a quick way to connect with someone you meet and give them just enough information to remember who you are and how to reach you. Anything else is too much. When an opportunity arises, you’ll have a seamless way to make a new connection.
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