What to Put in Your Actor Twitter Bio According to a Social Media Guru

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A great Twitter bio is a central part of an actor’s networking, brand, and audience building strategies. Do it right and you pave the way for growth. Do it wrong and you’ll miss opportunities and stay where you are.

Why, you ask, is my Twitter bio so important? Here are two good reasons. First, when someone is deciding whether or not to follow you, they’ll go to your bio for the answer and, second, when someone (including a casting director) googles you, your Twitter name and bio come up in the search. If your bio is poorly written, trying to network and grow your following will be a waste of time.

Your Twitter bio's No. 1 job is to make people want to follow you. That’s a lot of responsibility for a little bio! When writing yours, remember you’ve got to make every letter count! It’s hard to tell the world you love acting and coffee and bacon and craft beer in only 160 characters. If you want to turn your bio into a follower magnet, here are my five essential ingredients for a great actor’s Twitter bio!

1. Keywords. Successful Twitter bios contain keywords that attract like-minded people and people who want to hire you! There are some wonderful Twitter bios by celebrities out there—use them to inspire you, but don’t forget to add keywords! Tom Hanks’ bio doesn’t need to say he’s an actor, but the world might not know who you are…yet! Be sure to say “actor,” “voiceover actor,” etc.

2. Add your connections. If you have an agent or manager who is also on Twitter, include their handle in your bio! If you’re in a theater company or a student at a well-known school include that handle. Why? Because when someone searches for them, you’ll come up, too!

3. Your unique qualities. Is there something about your personality or appearance that sets you apart? Are you super tall, have amazing teal eyes (that people always comment on), or have an unforgettable laugh? These human touches help people connect with you and want to follow you!

4. Your passions. Saying what you do is great (actor, writer, etc.), but go further by telling us what you care about! If you’re passionate about the environment, animals, bacon, music, history, or Hitchcock…tell us. This is also where you can be creative and funny. You’ll know when you’ve nailed this part of your bio because people will refer to it when they follow you!

5. Your accomplishments. Mention significant awards, degrees, recognition, or union affiliations (SAG-AFTRA, Sundance winner, Jefferson Nominated, etc.). On the flip side, if you’re just starting out and you don’t have a lot of professional experience, you should still sound accomplished. Don’t say you’re an “aspiring actor” (or worse...inspiring!) or “dreaming of being an actor,” or “waiting for my big break!” If you’re taking classes, going to auditions, and working on your career, you’re an actor. Just be an actor!

With your great ideas and these essential ingredients, you’re on your way to creating a Twitter bio that’s a follower magnet! If you don’t nail it the first time, you can change and perfect it over time. Let me know what you come up with!

Now that you know how to write an awesome bio, watch this video to learn 10 easy ways to grow your following and expand your web of contacts using Twitter!

The views expressed in this article are solely that of the individual(s) providing them,
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Backstage or its staff.

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Heidi Dean
Heidi Dean is the industry’s top social media expert for actors. She was a working professional actor for over 20 years and a proud member of SAG-AFTRA and AEA. Now she combines her years of industry experience with cutting-edge social media strategy to help actors open more doors for their careers.
See full bio and articles here!