Need a Crying Break? Watch Steve Carell + John Krasinski Discuss Their ‘Office’ Farewell

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It is ironic that in these times of being apart, so many of us have been brought together—or in some cases, back together. Such was the case for former “The Office” co-stars Steve Carell and John Krasinski, who connected (via socially distanced video, of course) on Krasinski’s makeshift pandemic-era talk show “Some Good News.” 

Fifteen years after the long-running sitcom debuted, the duo wasted no time re-hashing some of their favorite “Office” memories including the infamous flatscreen TV episode and one Christmas installment where Krasinski laughed so hard during shooting he had to physically exit the scene. But it wasn’t all laughs, especially when the subject turned to the on-screen goodbye Carell and Krasinski’s respective characters shared.

“That was tough,” Carell recalls. “Some of my most fond memories—personally or professionally—are entwined with that show.” (Is it weird to feel similarly despite having zero association with the series beyond having watched it?) 

The short-but-robust clip also touched upon those reunion rumors and while neither party hardly confirmed such a thing, they did both express the hope that the cast would someday soon come together again, in any sort of capacity. 

“Hopefully one day we just get to reunite as people, and just all get to say hi,” Krasinski says, before thanking Carell and then signing off with a perfect jab. “I really think you’re gonna make something of yourself, Steve.” 

You deserve a break from whatever you’re doing, even if what you’re doing is streaming “The Office” reruns; watch the clip below.

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