November marked the return of Netflix’s “The Crown,” which premiered part one of its sixth and final season. Starring Imelda Staunton, Jonathan Pryce, Elizabeth Debicki, and Dominic West, this season follows the lives of the British royal family from approximately 1997 to 2005. While the hit series is ending, you can still join a drama or biopic project today. Check out these gigs casting now.
A short film is casting for its upcoming shoot in New York. Production is looking for a lead male actor, aged 35–60, to play Sydney and a supporting female actor, aged 9–13, to play Young Angela. Both roles pay a flat rate of $100 for an estimated single day of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.
A musical is casting for its February run in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Production is looking for a lead female actor, aged 20–40, to play Evita, a lead male actor, aged 18–35, to play Che, a lead male actor, aged 30–48, to play Juan Peron, and a lead male actor, aged 20–40, to play Magaldi. All roles pay $800–$1,000 per week for an estimated three weeks of work. Please note that in addition to having singing and acting skills, the roles of Evita, Che, and Magaldi also require dance/choreography skills.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Anna May Wong: A Screen Icon’s Story”
A musical is casting for its upcoming run in New York. Production is looking for a lead female actor, aged 18–50, to play Anna May Wong, a lead female actor, aged 20–50, to play Marlene Dietrich, and a supporting female actor, aged 30–60, to play Mrs. Carson. All roles pay $125 per day for the workshop preceding the musical run, the duration of which is not currently specified.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“In Too Deep”
A drama short film is casting for its February shoot in New York. Production is looking for a lead male actor, aged 18–25, to play Dean and a lead female actor, aged 18–25, to play Amelia. Both roles pay $15.43 per hour for an estimated eight hours of work. Please note that the role of Dean requires football and weightlifting skills.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Midnight Sun”
Manran Studio is seeking actors for “Midnight Sun,” a feature film about a young woman haunted by the memories of her former lover who slowly forges a connection with a man lost in transit when they throw together on a journey to the border of Maine. Actors, aged 8 and older, are wanted for various day player roles. There will be an open casting call on Dec. 15 in Portland, Maine. Filming will take place in mid-January. Pay is $125–$250 per day, with travel, lodging, and meals provided.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“The Ladybugz”
An online miniseries about a female English rock band that started in the 1960s is casting for its January shoot around Richmond, Virginia. Production is looking for a supporting male actor, aged 25–35, to play Yamir Ojesh. The role pays $130 per day for an estimated ten days of work. Please note that the role of Yamir Ojesh requires an East Indian and Bengali accent.
Want this gig? Apply here.