Q: I want casting directors to know I’ve been cast before, but what should I do if the play I was cast in is still in rehearsal? Should I add it to my acting résumé before I’ve technically performed it? If I do, should there be some kind of note clarifying that the project is still in production? —@andrewT_S, Backstage Community Forums*
Great question! If you’re currently in production on a theater piece, feature film, TV show, or web series, it’s tempting to add it to your résumé, especially if you have a lead or supporting role. Before you do, though, please be aware of any nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) you might have signed and any production restrictions you may be under. You must remain in compliance with all of these agreements, which may mean that you won’t be able to disclose anything about the project until the production allows it.
Even if you haven’t signed an NDA, it’s a good idea to check with the producers before you add an upcoming project to your résumé. Some projects are highly confidential, and, unfortunately, in these cases, you won’t be able to add any specifics about it to your résumé. In such a case, you could use generic nomenclature, making sure that the company or name of the project isn’t listed, such as “Major Pharmaceutical Industrial–Spokesperson,” for example. If you’re permitted to disclose your upcoming project and role, then by all means, do so! You can certainly denote the status of the project next to the title by adding “in rehearsal” or “in production.”
READ: What Should Go on an Acting Résumé?
On a side note, continually revising your résumé to keep it updated is a must. You will also want to move outdated items, such as shows you did in high school or more than 10 years ago, off your résumé as they age. Having current credentials is beneficial for you. I’ve seen many actors walk into auditions with résumés or online profiles that are significantly outdated. Clients considering you for work will take note of this, bring it to our attention, and most likely take it into consideration during the final decision-making process. Stay vigilant with good housekeeping and revisit all of your marketing materials regularly to make sure you’re being reflected in the best possible light.
*Submit questions for our Experts on Backstage’s Facebook or Twitter accounts or via our forums page at backstage.com/forums!
This story originally appeared in the Aug. 15 issue of Backstage Magazine. Subscribe here.
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