You already know Backstage is the go-to for any and all information pertaining to your craft. But now, you have the chance to get in on the action with the Backstage Community Forum. Here, you can engage with others in your industry, as well as teachers, experts, and, yep, even agents and casting directors. Below are some of this week’s most interesting new topics; drop a reply or post a new thread. Either way, fire up that keyboard and get involved right here!
Non-Equity submitting videos for Equity gigs?
“I’m starting to see some Equity calls come up, but they are video submissions. I know normally in the city you could show up at an EPA or ECC even if you’re non-Eq and hope to be seen. For these video submissions, does anyone know if non-Eq actors can still submit a self-tape and hope it gets seen? Or is that seen as rude/unprofessional/not following the rules?” —DalitaG
How to network and get experience?
“Hello guys and girls, my name is Hariharan Sivaji. I live in London, I am 24 years old, and I aspire to work in cinema, particularly Indian cinema. I have no acting experience or cinema-based networks, but I am really passionate. Can someone advise me on how to network and get the necessary acting portfolio? Thanks!” —HariharanSivaji
Auditioning during the pandemic online?
“What are some changes that you have noticed while auditioning during the pandemic online? Do you see more projects? Do agents/production managers respond to you faster? Is Backstage good at securing projects? Kindly share.” —priyanka_hollywood
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