How Do I Introduce Myself to a Voiceover Agent?

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Photo Source: Jordan Sondler

Q: How do I go about introducing myself to an agent who represents new voice talent? Is sending them an email asking how to submit my demo appropriate? —@Rising_star, Backstage Community Forum

The first thing you want to do before submitting to a voice agent is research the agency thoroughly—almost all agencies will have submission guidelines listed on their websites. Some prefer you send an MP3 of your demo reel attached to an email, whereas others prefer a link to your website where they can stream your files. I even know of one reputable agency that requests you submit a message through their social media accounts. (Only do this if it is specifically requested by the agency, though—contacting or friend requesting agents on social media is a sure way to annoy them!)

If they don’t have submission guidelines listed, sending a short email asking how they prefer to receive submissions is fine. Agents are extremely busy, so keep your correspondence brief and professional.

One of the best ways to submit to an agency is to have a referral from another person who is already repped by them. A referral from a casting director or producer who has a relationship with that agency is even better.

If you don’t know anyone who can refer you, take some time to listen to each of the demos on that agent’s roster and try to figure out where you would fit. Think like an agent: Why would you want to sign you? What do you offer as a talent? What is the age range and vocal quality of your natural speaking voice? Old and wise? Young and trendy? Soothing? Quirky? Bright and clear, or do you have some texture? Is there a hole in the agency roster you can fill? If they already represent someone who sounds very similar to you, they may not be eager to take you on.

Finding the right voice agent can feel a lot like online dating—you have to do a bit of legwork sifting through profiles to find your perfect match. Don’t take rejection personally; sometimes you’re just not the right fit for a particular agency, and that’s OK. Keep at it, and eventually you’ll find the perfect agent for you!

Steph Lynn Robinson is an award-nominated voiceover actress best known for her animation work. Having worked on both sides of the glass as a performer and on the casting/production side, Steph Lynn has a unique perspective into what makes an audition pop! She has recorded nearly a hundred episodes of animated television and has listened to hundreds more voiceover auditions in casting sessions. Visit for more information.

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and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Backstage or its staff.

Steph Lynn Robinson
Steph Lynn Robinson is an award-nominated voiceover actress best known for her animation work. Having worked on both sides of the glass—as a performer and on the production side—Steph Lynn has a unique perspective on what makes an audition pop! She has recorded nearly a hundred episodes of animated television.
See full bio and articles here!