“Back to the Present,” a feature film centered on a government-issued science experiment that sends five theater actors on a journey through time and space via a virtual reality vortex, is now seeking three of its five starring actors. Plus, a short film in a trilogy, an online course for mental healthcare professionals, and a slasher film are casting now.
“Back to the Present”
Casting is now underway for “Back to the Present,” a feature film centered on a government-issued science experiment that sends five theater actors on a journey through time and space via a virtual reality vortex. Three actors, aged 18–45, are now wanted to play three of the starring actor roles. Rehearsals will take place in New York City, followed by filming in NYC, Arizona, Utah, Panama, and France. Pay is $150–$300 per day with airfare, hotels, meals, and a per diem provided for filming abroad.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“113 N Indigo Dr”
Join the cast of “113 N Indigo Dr,” the first short film in what will be a trilogy about a woman being held captive in the attic of a man’s home. Two actors, aged 18–40, are wanted for the starring roles in the film. Filming will take place in Andover, Ohio, dates TBD. Pay is $125 for two days of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.
Self & Identity Online Shoot
Talent, aged 30–70, is now wanted to speak about their lives for an online course for mental healthcare professionals. Talent will record over Zoom, dates TBD. Pay is $250 for three hours of work.
Want this gig? Apply here.
“Pig Killers”
KaraokeCrimePics is now casting talent for “Pig Killers,” an offbeat, darkly funny, brutally violent slasher flick for a brand new generation. Talent, aged 21–55, is wanted for several leads and supporting roles. Some of the roles will require nudity. Rehearsals will begin the late spring with plans to shoot in late summer in Los Angeles. Pay is $210 per week with meals/snacks provided.
Want this gig? Apply here.